But to have access to that agreement, what we understand in the arts and culture sector is that we are going to have to convince the school boards, who will have to convince their own ministers of education, who will then have to meet in a national common front, and through the ministerial conference on education, to finally achieve that national project that might provide access to that financial envelope.
Mais pour arriver à avoir accès à cette entente, ce que l'on comprend, nous, du secteur des arts et de la culture, c'est que l'on devra convaincre les conseils scolaires, qui eux devront convaincre leur ministère de l'Éducation, qui eux devront former un front commun national, et à travers la Conférence ministérielle en éducation, finalement, on aurait ce projet national qui pourrait accéder à cette enveloppe financière.