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Altered dominant scale
Altered scale
Diminished whole tone scale
Dominant bebop scale
Super Locrian scale

Traduction de «Altered dominant scale » (Anglais → Français) :

altered scale [ diminished whole tone scale | altered dominant scale | super Locrian scale ]

gamme altérée

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, accounting for 25% of all new cases of cancer. Most cases are sporadic, while 5-10% are estimated to be due to an inherited predisposition. Autosomal dominant alterations in two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2

syndrome héréditaire de prédisposition au cancer du sein et de l'ovaire

dominant bebop scale

gamme bebop dominante [ gamme be-bop dominante ]

datacenter (1): (

'Altered dominant scale' ->

Date index: 2022-07-12